So many memories.
Where Joshua first arrived in the US.
Where Joshua first worked.
Where Joshua and the Sky Princess bought their first home.
LAX and all its idiosyncrasies. Love it!
Whether it's climbing out over the Sydney Harbor Bridge,
for the leap across the Pacific Ocean to the US,
or just being on or alongside the harbor,
there is just so much to love about the place.
The climb up the steep steps to the Big Buddha in Hong Kong will exhaust most. However, the views are spectacular, especially if you come back down on the chair lift, which looks right down on the Hong Kong Airport. Magnificent view.
There is something exciting, vibrant and alive about an airport, any airport, anywhere. As you drive there, the sight of the aircraft gliding in or roaring off. The smell of that aviation fuel.
The bustle of vehicles and people.
The anticipation of the flight ahead.
Filling in time watching the various details regarding distance traveled, distance to travel, outside air temperatures, flight level and time to destination.
Savoring the fresh sea breeze, soaking in the sun,
and the noise of the surf,
while ambling along on a trusty steed,
on the North Shore, Hawaii..