is a fresh, exciting opportunity to tackle your goals and dreams.
Outstanding things happen,
when you have the will to start,
the enthusiasm to continue,
and the persistence to complete.
When the going gets tough...
tiredness eats at me and the day seems as though
it is going to fall apart,
I remind myself that tonight I can sleep.
Tonight I can rest and recover.
Tomorrow will be a new day.
Affirmations really work...
I was always very impatient.
Still am, a little!! LOL!!
For example, to improve your patience,
you repeat the statement,
"I am an extremely patient person."
You never say, "I am not impatient" because your subconscious mind will not pick up the "not", so you will just be reinforcing the impatient aspect.
Always tailor your affirmations in a positive fashion. The best time to do affirmations is first thing in your day and last thing at end of the day, with some more done at quiet times...over lunch etc. Yes, it sure does work.
we all need a helping hand...
This lovely waitress sings for her customers ....gets a huge surprise.
Everyone wants to be loved.
Take your time to watch this and dampen your eyes.
Wonderful. Wonderful.
it may be a struggle to see
that every day is a lovely day,
in this beautiful world of ours.
Let the light shine through the darkness
When I was 42 years old, I attended a corporate sponsored, sales-management training seminar.
The host, Bruce,
was a fountain of positive energy.
After the morning break on the first day, we all sat down and then
Bruce asked a question.
"How do we act when
we feel bad about ourselves?"
Almost automatically my hand shot up. Until this point of the day, I had shut down and shut myself off from the wisdom that Bruce was sharing.
But here I was about to answer this question that he had tossed out.
My answer was, "Negatively."
The realization hit home to me there and then. I had spent so much of my life acting negatively towards so many things. I could not take a compliment from anyone. If I was complimented, I wondered what the other person wanted from me. Anyway, at the end of the 5th day, we were given homework to do over a period of several weeks. Let's just say, this was a life-changing experience for me. One of the things I decided to change about my life was to remove and detach myself from associating with those negative people in my life. Surprisingly, that involved several close friends and some family members too. You may think that that is a little harsh. Let me tell you this. Over the ensuing years, it helped my positive energy reserves immensely. You see, I found that my body is a little like a battery. If you have to deal with negativity about you, especially from other people, that negativity drains your own positive energy levels.
Conversely, if you associate with positive, happy folk, they not only help you maintain you own energy levels but they can build them up too.
As we grow and develop in career and personal aspects of our life, we will leave many of our friends, acquaintances behind.
Do not allow that to concern you.
In return, you will find other positive folk to fill that gap, other folk, who are more comfortable being in your company. Other people,
who easily relate to your mindset.
Other people,
who will not be a load and a drag
on your own inner energy levels.